Suzuki launch where to ride search engine

Suzuki GB has launched a new online resource for off-road motorcycle and ATV owners, allowing users of to find their nearest facility to legally ride their machine.

With 35 tracks already registered and loaded onto the new system, the new search engine is expected to grow and grow, becoming a ‘must access’ website for any off-road rider looking for either their local facility or somewhere new to ride.

Suzuki GB’s Richard Gregg commented, "We are extremely pleased to launch this new facility on our website. Although the vast majority of off-road machine owners are extremely responsible, people new to the sport can sometimes struggle to find somewhere to ride legally. With this new resource, new riders can find their nearest track, while others can search for new areas or even make suggested additions to the database too.

To find your nearest off-road riding facility visit:

Suzuki in 2009 – 100 Years of Innovation

For further press information contact Luke Plummer or Helen Morgan at the Suzuki GB Press Office (Motorcycles), Tel: 01525 270600 or 07725 956783

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